There are three roles that a ToolTime user can have. The company owner is automatically assigned the “Owner” role in ToolTime. The owner can then add “Field user” and “Office user” employees.
Field user
Employees assigned the "Field user" role only have access to the smartphone app and cannot access ToolTime’s browser version.
In the smartphone app, they can create and log appointments, as well as enter and edit their hours worked using the time tracking function.
Field user have the option of accessing the customer base when creating appointments.
When entering services in appointments, employees with the "Field user" role have access to all services from the catalogue.
If an appointment belongs to a project, they have access to project details and all uploaded documents. However, they don’t have access to quotes, invoices and other appointments in this project.
If you want the additional documents stored within the project to be hidden from your on-site team, you can specify this when you upload your documents to the project.
Alternatively, you can also use the three dots next to the upload button to specify later on whether a document should be visible to the on-site team.
Office user
All office user have access to the smartphone app and therefore also have access to all functions that are also available to field user. In addition to this, they also have access to the web version of ToolTime. They can create and edit quotes and invoices, and create appointments for all other employees. They have access to all projects and customers and can also make changes. Office user can also adjust ToolTime settings.
The owner has access to the same functions as the office team. In addition, the owner can:
Add new employees
Make changes to existing employee profiles
Grant or revoke access to the dashboard for office user
Export the customer base
Both office user and owners can track the actions of all employees via the activity log.
Changing roles
Once an employee has been created in ToolTime, the owner can no longer change their role. If you would like to change the role of one of your employees, simply contact us via the chat!
Removing employees
If you have the Owner role in ToolTime, you can use the three grey dots in the Team tab to block or delete a user.
If you block a user, any documents created by that user will still be associated with that user, but the user will no longer be able to log in to ToolTime.
If you delete an employee, all the employee's personal data will be deleted in accordance with data protection regulations. All documents associated with the employee will remain in ToolTime. However, instead of their name, you will see 'Deactivated user'. Only on completed job sheets will the name still be displayed.
Important: Neither blocking nor deleting an account is the same as cancelling a licence. If you wish to cancel a licence, contact us via the chat.